
Movie/Series Reviews



Have you seen the Beauty and The Beast (2012) and Lucifer (2016) series? Both the series are some of the good and loved series. But Lucifer is surely the most famous and reached most people. After watching both the series I found some the similarities which I want to share with you!!

Lucifer - Beauty and The Beast Series Similarities:

1) In both series lead character is a female and she is a police officer.

2) Lead actress gets an unnatural extraordinary boyfriend like Lucifer and Beast! Both those male characters have some powers.

3) In both series they solve the crime cases and in between their drama, relationship struggles go on.

4) In both series main male lead hides his identity and others struggle to find out his identity.

5) In both series actress police officer colleagues are part of the stories. Who supports the main lead and at some parts they become enemies of her.

6) In both series they struggle to maintain the relationship between the main leads!

7) Both series have multiple seasons.

8) In both series a bunch of creatures and a bunch of gods are shown.

9) Both series are American-made!

10) In both the series male leads actually help the female lead in the investigation cases through their powers.

Have you seen both series? Have you found other similarities please down below and share them!!

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