I am sure you have a crush in your life and you want him/her to become your life partner. So the problem is how to approach her/him. Before proposing or trying to impress your crush, first, you need to verify whether your crush is single or not?
Why it's important to verify your crush relationship status?
1) Life is really short you can't waste your time on impressing someone. Then, in the end, you will get disappointed. So asking before is always a better idea.
2) If you thinking about doing it tomorrow then understand life has no warranty. So there might be no tomorrow.
3) If your crush is not single then you are free to find someone else.
How to start:
Every love story starts with friendship. So first try to become your crush good friend. Show some love, trust, respect, and care to your crush. Make your crush feel special.
How to ask your crush for a relationship?
Now, this is an important step. The problem is you are really nervous about what your crush will say or you might be scared about directly asking him/her. So that's why you reading this article. Let me share a trick I am not sure this might work for you but let's try.
First, make sure you and your crush are connected in any messenger. At least your crush reply to your messages. Now send chat with your crush and chat for sometimes. Now send this message to her:
Let's play a dare game. Select one number from 01 to 10, and you have to complete the dare given on that number:)
Now, wait for her response, whatever number your crush select you replace it with this question in dare list: What is your relationship status? Then send the following dare list(make sure you replace the dare question):
1) Write one poem to me!Now, wait for your crush response. Hopefully, your crush says "Single" as his/her relationship status. But your crush says she/he is committed then you should quit. Stop investing your time on your crush. You are now free to find someone else.
2) Show me your chats, send a screenshot!
3) Send me you one hot pic
4) Send your current selfie
5) Send one message saying "I hate you!" to your any contact then send a screenshot!
6) Record one song with your voice and send me it!
7) I am angry on you, now convince me:)
8) Make me laugh with one joke.
9) Send me a kiss Emoji!
10) Show me your app's screenshot
If your crush says she/he is single then you are lucky and might be there are chances for you:) Now your conversation is started on relationship matter now you just ask for dating or going out for dinner.
Let's see how our Jobless Panda approached his crush:)

See Panda also asked about relationship with his crush. What are you waiting for? Don't delay! Do it now! Life is really short so live it now:)
Disclaimer: If your crush lied about his/her relationship status then Jobless Panda will not responsible for it!
I know how important is your crush for you but if unfortunately, your crush not accepting your love then might be she/her not deserve your love! Just leave him/her and find another crush. God made surely made someone for you, you just have to find her/him:)
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