What is this Tool:
This tool will give you the text from the images.

Result: Short Story: One day a boy was walking on the road at night. He saw one star is falling from the sky. He ran and started finding for the star, then he saw one light in the grass. That was a star, he was very happy. He kept the star in his carry bag, but the star was not happy. Because star want to go back to the sky. Then the star said, "Please leave me I want to go back to the sky". Then boy opened his carry beg and star gone to the sky. The boy was happy because now the star was happy:)
How to use the Tool:
Press "Browse..." button for and select your image. Now it will take few seconds to reognize your image text. Then it will give your image text in the TextArea.
Note: If for some images resultant text is coming as some random text. Then that might be because of our tool unable to identity language or font style or image is not clear! Sorry for the inconvenience we are regularly working on this for making our tool better.
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