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If you are struggling with sleepless nights, then this article is for you. In this article, I am sharing some methods which will make you sleep in 05-10 minutes.

Best Method To Sleep Fast:

1) Relax your mind:

In sleeping an important point is to relax your mind. You can notice you will have less sleep or no sleep while you are in any tension. Ignore or forget all your thought and tensions while sleeping. Just focus on sleeping and resting your mind.

2) Think about positive and good things:

While you try to sleep imagine only about positive and good things. Thinking about happy moments will make you relaxed. Imagine a happy picture or moments of your life.

3) Relax your body and Breath slowly:

Now try to relax your complete body by stopping all your moments. Also breath slowly, this will make you feel more relaxed.

4) Try counting techniques:

If you are still unable to get sleep, then try counting techniques, like counting your breath or imagine kangaroo jumping and count one Kangaroos jumping, two Kangaroos jumping, three Kangaroos jumping so on.

5) Eat healthy food:

If you eat unhealthy and heavy food, then it will also affect your sleeping. An unhealthy stomach will make you uncomfortable will sleeping.

6) Don't sleep too much:

Humans need 08 hours of sleep for a healthy lifestyle, a minimum of 06 hours. If you sleeping in the afternoon for more time, then at night definitely you feel uncomfortable for sleeping, because you exceeding sleeping hours from needed 08 hours.

7) Do more movements and exercise:

It is proved that being lazy also make problem will sleeping. You do minimum activities like walking or exercising so that your body will ready for sleep. Exercise and physical activities will give you better results for fast sleeping.

8) Use pleasure techniques:

If you having sleepless nights, also your mind is very disturbed. Then I suggest doing masturbation or sex which will relax your mind. Then you will get good sleep. But I suggest don't make it has a habit otherwise every day you have to do sex or masturbation for sleeping. Doing sex or masturbation every day also makes you unhealthy.

9) Use medicines or tablets:

I recommend this as the last option if you are not able to sleep by using any techniques and you having sleepless nights. Then try using doctor-recommended medicine or tablets. But I suggest don't make it has a habit otherwise every day without taking medicine/tablet you will not get sleep.

Hope this helps you, if you have any query please do comment below:)

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